TigerChi in the know — July Newsletter

Tian T
9 min readAug 13, 2022


Just like the heat waves we felt in Europe, July was definitely a hot month for TigerChi. We had so much going on, but the hottest event would be our TigerChi v2 launch. Most of the events that happened in July were centred around one theme — our Wushu TigerChi. Let’s take a closer look at what went down in July.


  • The Wushu TigerChi Launch

On July 19th, the moment the TigerFam was waiting for finally came, our Wushu TigerChi was launched! 5 different shuffle sessions were held(one session open for newcomers only) on the same day so all TigerFam from different time zones had a chance to get a tiger. Amazingly, each session sold out in less than 120 seconds! We would like to thank all our fam for the support!

  • Algorand /Envision London Meetup

Three members of the TigerFam (Tian, Weibaobao, and HMJ) were in attendance for this event. They met many of our partners, connecting with amazing people and learning about interesting projects.

  • Web3 Journey with TigerChi and Lambda

Tian (@ttiiaann), was invited to join the Lambda Community (@Lambda_Web3) for its first AMA event. Lambda Web3 is a student education community composed of undergraduate and master students from well-known universities all across the world. The community has a wide variety of backgrounds including majors in cognitive science, art, psychology, blockchain, and many others.

Tian got to share her experiences of operating an international organisation, building an online community, and creating the TigerChi NFT project. She also discussed her opportunity entering Web3 and Algorand along with some views on the status of Web3 development. We are proud to support them in their mission of providing Web3 and cryptocurrency education resources at home and abroad.

The event recap

  • Playing Poker with the Metapunks

On July 24th, we collaborated with Metapunks for a multi-table poker tournament, called the Meta Poker Tour 15. Participants had a chance to win 1 Wushu TigerChi, 1 Metapunk and 150 $Algo. Look out for more tournaments as there will also be more awesome prizes!


  • Collaborated with 6 projects in the ecosystem for Wushu TigerChi launch

To celebrate the launch of Wushu TigerChi V2, we collaborated with six Algorand projects for Wushu TigerChi giveaways. We appreciate the support from our project partners including Carbon Credit Token (@CCTokenHQ), Algomint (@Algomint_io), AlgoDAO (@AlgoDAO_fi), Zone by XTZ (@XTZ_ESPORTS), Headline.algo (@headline_crypto), and Folks Finance (@FolksFinance).

  • Collaboration with ZONE.Game platform for NFT PFP and game tournament

We were very excited to play games with Zone by XTZ as our first game partner! ZONE is a cross-chain gamefi platform with on-chain gaming challenges, yield farming & NFTs. They created a free-to-play & play-and-earn ecosystem.

Best of all, TigerChi holders now can set their profile picture as a TigerChi NFT while playing games in their app(http://zone.game/).

  • TigerChi and BlockRank, Web3 Business Expertise for giveaways

We were honoured to have an opportunity to collaborate with BlockRank (@blockrank). Blockrank is building a suite of tools to provide guidance on Web3 market strategies. We provided BlockRank with a Wushu TigerChi from the Wudu Clan for a free giveaway. We are glad to have their support and also confident to bring TigerChi’s art into Web3 and give more utility to our TigerChi NFT.

  • TigerChi giveaways with Trantorian, an NFT space exploration game

We collaborated with Trantorian for a free Wushu TigerChi giveaway. They are an NFT space exploration game and with this partnership we hope to send our Tigers to the Moon!

  • TigerChi merch now on AlgoDrip

We were happy to team up with community champion Gaby (@Itsgaby30) to set up our merch on AlgoDrip (@AlgoDripShop). In celebration of our V2 launch, all TigerChi items are 5 USD off with another 5 USD being donated to Tiger4Ever2010 (@Tigers4Ever2010) for every purchase! Visit the shop to get your TigerChi swag and help support wild tigers.

Get your TigerChi merch here: https://algodrip.shop/

  • Beautiful landing page on NFT Explorer.app

We were very excited to partner with NFT Explorer (@nftexplorerapp) as they featured one of our Wushi TigerChi in their first animated banner. Huge thanks to Josh (@JoshLmao) for working with us, making numerous revisions to give us this amazing visual. This really felt like a Times Square moment for the TigerFam!

Check out NFT Explorer as the definitive guide to track NFT sales, listings, and collection traits.

【Progress report】

  • We officially released our Wushu TigerChi trailer on YouTube

We created a stunning animated video to introduce our V2 Wushu tigers and highlight the important information of the V2 game. Click on the link and explore the magical world of martial arts with us.


  • TigerChi v1 floor price hit 350A!

In anticipation for the release of Wushu Tigers, the floor price of our TigerChi V1 reached 350A on July 1st! This was a great way to start the month, and an awesome welcome for our Wushu V2 tigers! We have much more pipeline for both our V1 and V2 tigers.

  • Newcomer Whitelisted Shuffles

When approaching the commencement of TigerChi V2, our loyal TigerChi holders kept introducing their friends and family to join our TigerFam. In order to express our appreciation, we announced a certain number of whitelist spots reserved only for newcomers who didn’t already hold TigerChi.

  • V2 Visual Explanation is released

We produced a one page visual explanation of our V2 rules. We always want to take care of the TigerFam and to try our best to make TigerChi as accessible as possible.

  • Reward Pool for Wushu TigerChi

Thank you all for an incredibly exciting and successful launch of our v2 Wushu Tiger Chi.

None of this would have been possible without each and everyone of you. Phase 2 of our v2 launch is where you can start earning rewards by being active in community events and level up your v2 Tigers. Any of you who will participate in Phase 2 has a chance to win both the individual and team grand prizes. Let’s ROAR for this big REWARD!

  • Five Hand-drawn Grandmaster have been released to our 5 Tiger Luckystars

We presented #0001 Shaolin Grandmaster to Johnny ( @BenediktLand) who made huge contributions to our Wushu TigerChi development. His dedication and creativity helped greatly.

Wushu TigerChi #0002 Wudu Grandmaster was presented to our member thᕫcminhmy (@ThucMinhMy1). This badass Grandmaster looks tough to beat!!

We presented #0003 Wudang Grandmaster to our lucky star Tirrell Cavanaugh (@akpanama06). He chose a wudang in the ice. This TigerChi shows off the harmony of nature and tigers. You can almost hear the sound of the snowflakes. This is an amazing scene for those who love inner peace.

We presented #0004 Emei Grandmaster to Weibaobao (@weibaobao2030). This TigerChi is jade Emei queen! Jade is a lucky stone in Chinese culture, also known as ‘Stone of Heaven’!

We presented #0005 Shaolin Grandmaster to KM2811. This shaolin tiger is a master of both fire and Earth. This TigerChi was beautifully drawn by our artist who was inspired by the terracotta warriors, reborn from stone, from the Qin dynasty.


  • July’s donation to Tigers4Ever

We have sent July’s donation to Tigers4Ever which will be used to provide education packs for the children living with wild tigers.

  • Saving wild tigers with Tigers4ever

Tigers4Ever urgently needs help for the Anti-poaching patrols keeping wild tigers safe. They need all the help they can get for waterproof clothing & boots for 84 patrollers. To show our support, we made a one off donation of £2087.00 to their cause. We are proud of what we have done and hope our little contribution will help the wild tigers.


  • Our Tigresses danced for our v2 launch

Our beautiful tigresses made their first dancing show for Algorand’s 3 year mainnet anniversary and we loved every second of it. Their confidence and energy can be felt through the screen and you can feel the positive vibes they are bringing to us.

For our v2 launch, they made a special Wushu Dance for us! There is a saying in Chinese that goes like, “One minute on the stage requires 10 years practice off the stage.” We can only imagine the practice that went into such a beautiful and coordinated dance. Kudos to the girls for the wonderful tribute! We all love it!

Youtube link:


  • Lovely compliment from Linkedin

One member of our TigerFam has shared his kind words about us on Linkedin. We highly appreciate him spreading the TigerChi love to the public.

  • PlantetWatch’ White Paper in Chinese version

Big thanks Weibaobao (@weibaobao2030), Shikha P.Agicha_ (@shixxxxxx), and zsjnzx (@db02633456) for spending their spare time to translate the PlanetWatch (@PlanetWatchsas) White Paper into Chinese. We also want to thank our graphic designer Shibavsky-ALGO (@HelloYYue) for editing this beautiful white paper. All of your contributions deserve our big applause!

White Paper Link


  • Greetings and warm messages from our TigerChi fam

We received lots of greetings and messages from our TigerFam and project partners to congratulate the launch of our V2 TigerChi. We are appreciated to receive lots of love and support from our community.

【Member in the spotlight】

We have to give a big thanks to our developer Jupiter (@jupiterxiaoyu)! Jupiter investigated the pinata issues with the help of NFTcommunity and has successfully repinned all of our NFTs to chainsafe. He listed the solution on github to the benefit of not only TigerChi but the whole Algorand community. Jupiter saved everyone a lot of time and money!

Here is the link: https://github.com/JupiterXiaoxiaoYu/algo_nft_storage_solution

【A little birdie told me】

We will be hosting a trading competition in September, supported by the Algorand Foundation, and sponsored by 6 ecosystem projects. Stay tuned for more details.

We also teamed up with a Kungfu Association in the US for some real Kungfu shows, as well as a few NFT project events. This is going to be a great event to connect and to support their chosen charity.



Tian T

Founder of 1circle, Chinese community on Algorand. Project lead for TigerChi NFT project