TigerChi In The Know — March Newsletter

Tian T
7 min readMar 28, 2022


Hey TigerFam!

I hope y’all are ready for TigerChi’s inaugural newsletter!

We are very pleased to recap all things happened since we initially released our roadmap on March 3rd. And we feel truly fortunate that you are with us on this journey!

So, shall we start?


Partnership with AlgoMINT for Ecosystem partner event and Token launch

We are proud to say that our tigers are on a mission to promote our partners in a positive and uplifting way!

On March 7th, we announced our partnership with Algomint for their ecosystem showcase event. Held on twitter, 2 shuffles and 1 auction were well received by the community. We are excited to announce that TWO MORE Special AlgoMINT tigers are waiting to be picked up for their token launch, so please watch the space and good luck!

HUGE shoutout to our Brilliant artist, Yangyang, for the Amazing designs and making this all possible! He truly captures the Brand’s core values with the fire of a style savant.

Partnership with AlgoDAO

On March 16th, We announced our partnership with AlgoDAO! A big thank you to our community members, your shoutouts for us on Twitter definitely helped!

AlgoDAO is a community-owned and community-driven DAO, Incubator, Launchpad, and Innovation Pool built for the Algorand ecosystem. Keep your eyes on some more giveaways …

These Tigers definitely look dope and we feel they are ready to take us to Mars! (Yeah, the red planet!)

P.S Some news leak, our artist was invited to design a set of NFT for AlgoDAO, they look DOPE!! Definitely watch AlgoDAO social media closely on the initial release!

We’ve got Lemur brothers from BlockBeam

Our artist Yangyang was invited to support our partner, Blockbeam, by designing a collection of very cool lemurs!

Blockbeam is a startup that partners with leading companies to create opportunities through Web3 applied learning, making candidates stand out as they prepare for their launch into blockchain/fintech careers.

We can see why they picked up the lemur as their mascot. These are definitely a group of smart, cheeky, and intelligent lemurs! We look forward to future endeavours with Tigers and Lemurs!

【 Milestones】

Now, onto the behind the scenes of TigerChi-

  • We are listed on Algorand portal and got selected as Projects to watch!


Don’t forget to vote for your favourite Tigers on the Algorand ecosystem portal site. You can help claim our spot in the Highest Ranked projects section.

  • We got listed on Asalytic


Although it has been a rough time for the crypto markets over the past month, our numbers have been roaring! Our listing on Asalystic shows us all our numbers. Our volume in Algos increased 31.1%! And our number of sales soared 74%!

Most importantly, more than 320 active wallets have participated in TigerChi!! Thank you all, nothing would be possible without all your support!

  • TigerChi Gallery on xSpaces is ready

Finally, our gallery in Metaverse will be ready and open to our TigerChi holders! This is just our first step to get into Metaverse. We will release a video to give you a sneak peek shortly and we will organise our meetings there too! See you in Metaverse!

  • Tigerchi breaks the shuffle record to complete with all transaction finality within 94 seconds


Did someone say Record Breaking sales time?? TigerChi achieved a faster than lightning (network) sell-out speed of 94 seconds for 50 Tigers!! All for just pennies on the dollar in fees.

【In Progress】

Where is TigerFam exploring Next?

  • Working on v2 TigerChi with a theme of Chinese Martial Art

As many of you may know already, TigerChi v2 is just around the corner..

And for those who don’t, you may want to get your paws on a couple of the v1 TigerChi before the floor gets too high.. #iykyk

Check them out here: https://www.nftexplorer.app/collection/tiger-chi

  • Meeting with Tigers4ever to establish a charity partnership, a proposed Memorandum of Understanding is in discussion.

What better people to include in our Tiger Kingdom than those at Tigers4ever, whose mission is to prevent the extinction of wild tigers.

Discussions have taken place to see how we can help each other in our causes.

We encourage you to donate directly to their mission and help save the tigers too: https://tigers4ever.org

  • Our TigerChi Kingdom in Metaverse is being designed by Dany from our community

Check out this never-before-seen sneak peek of the TigerChi Metaverse designed by our Dope Architect, Dany (@accel_arc)! This space is said to be a perfect place to ground yourself and get in touch with the Earth. ^^You might even have a chance to see for yourself soon… Stay tuned!


  • Frank Yu joined TigerChi NFT project as a senior advisor

We are excited to announce that Frank Yu has joined us as an advisor to our Tiger Chi NFT project. Frank has been a gaming expert for years, but now focusing his efforts on blockchain and the metaverse. His expertise will help drive TigerChi into the future!

His bio is in the picture below, look at that tshirt! Nice! :P

  • We have 10 TigerChi fam possess tigers of 5 different colors (orange, pink, grey, slate, white). We call it 5TigerLuckyStar!

They are: Algojulez, moh, rob.algo, ryanmcdonaldusa, Steve, Algo_Learner, ewokabacca, Johnny California, thᕫcminhmy & WrinklyCat.

They are truly our lucky stars, feeling blessed to have these wonderful fam around! These special members gain access to an exclusive discord channel where they can even help grow the project.


  • 1circle helped establish the partnership between Peking University and Algorand


China is never short of news on cryptos. However, because of a solid top-notch background, Algorand entered China university in a decent way. The collaboration is almost first of its kind in recent years and all eyes are on this! A great achievement for both Peking University and Algorand. We hope to see more collaborations with Chinese universities.

  • 1circle and TigerChi co-published Algorand Ecosystem Overview chart and video

We feel proud of ourselves! We made it! What you see is just a chart, but for us it is many days and nights of work, checking projects one by one, getting their logos and websites, and placing them in the right category. We just wish we could keep up to the speed of the exponential growth of our ecosystem!

Dont forget to check out our uplifting video and maybe dance to the music too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB8v692DMjY

【Member in the spotlight】

We can’t end this without giving shoutouts to some MVPs of the TigerChi team!!

First up, we have to acknowledge our amazing Operations Lead, Weibaobao (@Yanniewalawala).

-In June she will be undertaking the UK 3 Peaks challenge for UK Chinese Women Connect Association. Make sure to wish her luck and health in her adventures! https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/yan-wei

And for the Grand Finale, we have our lovely Project Lead Tian Tian (@ttiiaann).

Without her diligent work, TigerChi would still be just a wandering cub.

She helped establish collaboration between Peking University and Algorand Foundation

Spending months forming connections and building bridges, she facilitated this tremendous milestone for all parties.

We cannot thank her enough for all that she has done.

【A little birdie told me】

Thank you for reading till the very end, some nice little surprise to share:)

  • TigerChi is supporting a big event by supplying 300 branded special edition TigerChi to a mysterious partner ^^
  • TigerChi and a few ecosystem partners are brewing a big community event in Metaverse in April.

When we say it, we do it and we deliver with high standard.

Stay with us and we will show you how amazing our community can be!

Stay tuned…..



Tian T

Founder of 1circle, Chinese community on Algorand. Project lead for TigerChi NFT project